Over the last five months Junction Seven have been working with the Centre For London, a not for profit think tank focused on the problems facing London. wearedotdotdot.com is the culmination of that work. It's a web platform that helps young people living in East London develop their technology skills and puts them in touch with potential employers in London's rapidly developing technology industry. East London was chosen as the location to launch the platform due to the combination of an exploding technology sector and of some of the highest levels of poverty found not only in London, but across the UK.
The platform features events and courses that take place in person in East London, or online. The platform is open to anyone - learners, teachers, parents, geeks - who want to access digital learning opportunities in East London. These include organisations working in schools, clubs or running hackdays, meet-ups, festivals, traineeships, work placements, apprenticeships and professional training programmes.
If you are live in London, are interested in Technology or know someone who might be, then you should check it out.
If you'd like to learn more; please drop us a line.